Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

10 Sixpack Pumping Home Exercises

Membentuk sixpack memang salah satu yang paling sulit dibandingkan dengan membentuk otot-otot lainnya pada tubuh, namun bukan berarti tidak mungkin untuk dicapai bukan?
Pada pembahasan kali ini, kita akan membahas beberapa jenis latihan untuk fitnes yang dianggap paling efektif menurut penelitian untuk mencapai sixpack. Dan berita gembiranya, khususnya bagi Anda yang sibuk, latihan ini dapat Anda lakukan tanpa harus pergi ke tempat fitnes! Namun sebelum kita mulai membahas mengenai gerakan-gerakan latihan yang cocok untuk mempertajam sixpack, mari kita kenalan lebih jauh terlebih dahulu dengan otot-otot perut kita.
Pada dasarnya otot perut dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 bagian; rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, dan transversus abdominis. Rectus abdominis inilah yang kemudian sering disebut juga dengan otot sixpack. Disamping otot sixpack ini terletak otot external dan internal obliques. Otot transverses abdominis merupakan otot terdalam, posisinya dibawah internal obliques. Otot ini memiliki peran penting untuk membuat perut terlihat rata.
Exercise for sixpack muscle
Untuk bagian pertama, kita akan membahas beberapa jenis latihan untuk otot perut rectus abdominis, atau yang sering disebut dengan otot sixpack.
1. Bicycle Maneuver

  • Berbaringlah di lantai dengan kedua tangan diletakkan disamping kepala
  • Tarik lutut sekitar 45 derajat dan mulailah gerakan seperti mengayuh sepeda
  • Sentuh lutut kanan dengan siku kiri dan sebaliknya
2. Crunch on Exercise Ball

  • Duduklah diatas bola dengan kaki rata di lantai
  • Biarkan bola berguling kearah belakang dan berbaringlah diatas bola hingga paha sejajar dengan lantai.
  • Silangkan lengan didepan dada atau di belakang kepala
  • Angkat dagu sedikit keatas dan mata menuju ke langit2
  • Angkat tubuh tidak lebih dari 45 derajat
*) untuk meningkatkan keseimbangan, buka kaki lebih lebar
3. Vertical Leg Crunch

  • Berbaringlah di lantai dengan posisi tangan di belakang kepala
  • Angkat dan luruskan kaki di udara
  • Silang kaki di bagian lutut dan tekuk sedikit
  • Kencangkan otot perut dengan mengangkat badan kearah lutut
4. Curl Up

  • Berbaringlah di lantai, tekuk lutut hingga membentuk 90 derajat dan telapak kaki menyentuh lantai (Jangan letakkan kaki Anda dibawah apapun)
  • Tangan lurus kedepan dan baringkan di lantai.
  • Perlahan angkat badan Anda, rasakan kontraksi pada otot perut.
  • Turunkan perlahan badan Anda
Exercise for Lower Rectus Abdominis
Kebanyakan orang merasa pembentukan otot sixpack bagian bawah lebih sulit daripada bagian atas. Are you in the same boat? Try these exercises!
5. Toes to sky

  • Berbaringlah terlentang dengan tangan terbuka lebar 90 derajat
  • Angkat kedua kaki vertical keatas
  • Angkat panggul setinggi mungkin dengan tetap mempertahankan posisi kaki lurus vertical
  • Tahan untuk beberapa saat kemudian turunkan kembali panggul
6. Modified V-Sit

  • Berbaringlah terlentang dengan kaki lurus menempel pada lantai dan tangan lurus disamping badan
  • Angkat badan dan tekuk lutut bersamaan hingga membentuk huruf V
  • Luruskan kaki dan badan ke posisi semula secara bersamaan
Exercise for obliques and transverses abdominis muscles
Untuk mendapatkan otot perut yang sempurna, sebaiknya latihan otot sixpack juga disertai dengan latihan otot obliques dan transverses abdominis. Russian twist, side raise, dan lateral leg lowering merupakan jenis gerakan yang biasa dilakukan untuk melatih otot obliques. Sedangkan thin tummy merupakan gerakan untuk melatih otot transverses abdominis.
7. Russian Twist

  • Duduklah diatas lantai dengan posisi lutut yang menekuk dan tidak menyentuh lantai
  • Angkat badan hingga membentuk huruf V dengan paha
  • Gabungkan kedua telapak tangan dan tarik lurus hingga tegak lurus dengan tubuh (boleh juga jika ingin membawa beban)
  • Gerakkan tubuh ke kenan atau kiri dan tahan untuk beberapa detik
8. Side Raise

  • Berbaringlah terlentang diatas lantai dengan posisi kedua lutut menempel bersama dan ditekuk 90 derajat
  • Jatuhkan kedua lutut ke salah satu sisi (kanan atau kiri) dengan posisi bahu dan punggung yang tetap lurus dan menempel pada lantai
  • Silangkan tangan di bahu
  • Naikkan badan dan gerakkan bahu kearah berlawanan dengan posisi kaki
9. Lateral Leg Lowering

  • Berbaringlah di lantai, dengan kedua kaki lurus keatas dan tangan membentuk 90 derajat dari badan (bentangkan ke samping)
  • Gerakkan kedua kaki ke salah satu arah kemudian ke arah yang berlawanan, hentikan sebelum kaki menyentuh lantai.
  • Jaga posisi kepala dan badan bagian atas tidak menyentuh lantai
10. Thin Tummy

  • Berbaringlah terlentang diatas lantai dengan lutut yang ditekuk
  • Letakkan kedua tangan dibawah posisi sabuk dengan posisi jari mengahadap ke bawah dan ibu jari pada upper abdominal region (supaya kita bisa merasakan kontraksi otot yang terjadi pada lower abdominal).
  • Kencangkan otot perut bagian bawah
  • Angkat salah satu kaki dengan lulut ditekuk sehingga paha dan perut membentuk sudut 90 derajat demikian juga antara betis dan paha.
  • Lakukan bergantian antara kaki kanan dan kiri.
Jangan lupa bahwa latihan di atas perlu didukung dengan nutrisi yang tepat, istirahat yang cukup, dan suplemen yang sesuai untuk mencapai sixpack secara efektif

Patch untuk Mengaktifkan Aero Glass pada Windows 7 Home Basic dan Starter

Seperti yang sudah diketahui, Windows 7 Home Basic dan Starter adalah versi Windows 7 dengan harga yang paling murah dan sangat terjangkau untuk kantong mahasiswa. Biasanya Windows 7 edisi ini di-bundling dengan penjualan netbook di negara-negara berkembang. Kekurangannya adalah pengaturan yang diperketat, tidak adanya fitur-fitur GUI Aero seperti Aero Glass, Aero Peek, Aero Shake, Aero Snap, Flip 3D, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Anda juga tidak dapat memilih opsi “Personalize” pada menu konteks di Desktop yang berguna untuk mengubah tema, latar belakang, dan sebagainya.
Sebelumnya pada artikel terdahulu, saya sudah memberikan trik untuk mengaktifkan Aero dengan metode registry. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya memberikan sebuah trik untuk mengaktifkan fitur-fitur Aero tersebut pada Windows 7 Home Basic dan Starter dengan menggunakan sebuah patch berukuran kecil. Patch ini secara otomatis akan mem-patch file sistem di Windows untuk mengaktifkan semua fitur Aero Glass dari Windows Ultimate. Anda dapat mengunduhnya langsung dari sini.
Setelah diunduh, jalankan file-nya, lalu otomatis Windows akan me-restart. Setelah itu, Anda akan dapat langsung menikmati Aero Glass dan memilih opsi “Personalize” pada Desktop.

Sumber artikel: http://www.askvg.com/download-simple-patch-to-enable-aero-glass-and-all-other-personalization-features-in-windows-7-home-basic-and-starter-edition

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

9 Cara Cepat SixPack Dirumah

1. Knee ups

Spoiler for :
2. Leg raises
Spoiler for :
3. Cycles
Spoiler for :
4. Reverse crunch
Spoiler for :
5. Leg on coach crunches
Spoiler for :
6. Hip trust
Spoiler for :
7. Cross crunch
Spoiler for :
8. Reach and touch
Spoiler for :
9. Cross leg reverse crunch
Spoiler for :

Mikrotik Hotspot Hacking

Satu lagi cara berinternet gratis yaitu dengan meng-hack hotspot mikrotik. Sebenarnya cara ini sudah basi, tetapi karena baru saja saya mempraktekan maka saya tulis langkah-langkahnya. Disamping untuk mengingat kalau lupa kan bisa  untuk sharing buat yang lain, yang mungkin belum tahu atau masih kurang paham. Biasanya kalau kita terhubung dengan hotspot mikrotik maka kita akan dihadapkan dengan menu mikrotik login sebelum kita bisa browsing.
Cara ini adalah untuk mem-by pass mikrotik login, sebenarnya lebih tepat kalau disebut cloning client. Intinya kita tidak harus login dulu untuk bisa browsing, karena target sudah login. Kita sebagai clone-nya jadi tidak perlu login. Trik ini hanya bisa jalan selama client yang kita clone masih terhubung ke hotspot.
Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
  1. Download dulu program Netcut, program ini untuk mengetahui MAC address yang terhubung dengan kita. Netcut bisa didownload disini.
  2. Koneksikan komputer kita dengan hotspot mikrotik
  3. Jalankan program Netcut
  4. Pilih LAN Card / NIC yang kita gunakan dengan mengklik menu Choice NetCard
  5. Kemudian klik OK kembali ke layar utama, pilih salah satu network yang terkoneksi yang akan kita jadikan target (dalam contoh ini yang menjadi target adalah network dengan IP  Yang jelas bukan network kita atau network server.
  6. Salin IP address dan MAC address, bisa juga dengan mengklik PrintTable kemudian blok dan copy paste ke notepad untuk langkah selanjutnya.
  7. Setelah dipaste di notepad langkah selanjutnya edit nilai MAC address, pada contoh ini [00:26:5E:60:81:1C]. Hilangkan tanda [:] sehingga menjadi 00265E60811C. Nilai ini yang akan kita gunakan untuk merubah MAC address kita.
  8. Selanjutnya kita disable dulu wireless LAN kita. Kemudian buka properties wireless LAN dan ubah nilai Local Administration MAC Network, default kosong. Isi dengan nilai tadi, pada contoh ini 00265E60811C
  9. Kemudian kita set IP wireless LAN kita dengan IP yang sama yaitu dan isi juga DNS server address.

    Untuk DNS server address bisa dicek sebelum kita merubah MAC dan IP. Jadi waktu pertama kali kita terhubung ke hotspot, dengan cara mengetik perintah dari command prompt
  10. Langkah terakhir adalah meng-enable kembali wireless LAN kita. Sekarang kita bisa browsing tanpa harus ijin pada yang punya hotspot.
  11. Hasil :
    Sebelum melakukan clone

    Sesudah melakukan clone
Tutorial ini hanya untuk mereka yang malas bertanya username dan password pada admin jaringan

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Back Training

Back Training Tips
  • The only way to fully contract your lat muscles is when your back is arched.
  • When you are weight training your lats, be sure to use proper techniques and proper form.
  • Don't use excessive force when training.
  • Warm-up before beginning your back training program.
  • Weight lift properly by not using your momentume to workout.
It is extremely important that when doing any type of back training exercises that you perform the movements properly, if you do not use proper movements then you will not get the full benefits when back training. It is not easy to unlearn bad workout habits, so learning the right exercises technique from the start is highly recommended.
For every back training exercises you do, start by picking 3 of these back exercises and do about 4 sets for every back training exercises. You can vary the set and the back exercise or back training that you do for every back workout.

Workout Program
  1. Begin by choosing 3-4 of these exercises.
  2. Switch these exercises around everyday.
  3. Do 3 sets of each of the 3-4 exercises that you choose.
  4. Do 12-15 reps for every one set that you do.

Deadlifts Tips
  • Whe using heavy weights and you are having trouble gripping the bar, use the reverse grips with one palm facing the forward direction and the other palm facing the backwards direction.
  • This technique will your ability to grip much heavier weights.
  • Another way to lift heavier would be to use lifting straps which can allow to lift beyond what your bare hands can handle.
  • Between each sets do not let the weights touch the ground.

  1. These back training exercises is one of the top power building workout to do. When doing Deadlifts, your working out the spinal erectors, quadriceps, buttocks, hips, forearms, trapezius, lats, and abdominals muscles.
  2. Start off by standing in front of the barbell with your shins close to the barbell with your feet about shoulder width apart.
  3. Grab the bar with a slightly wider grip that is shoulder width apart.
  4. Keep your arms fully extended straight, bend your legs, and flatten your back about parallel to the floor.
  5. Position your body similar to doing squats, but with the bar in front of you.
  6. Slowly, pull and then pick the barbell off the floor by fully straightening your legs and upper body until body is fully extended straight.
  7. Be sure to pull your shoulders back.
  8. Slowly lower the bar back down to its original position and repeat the process.

Hyperextensions Tips
  • If there is no hyperextension stations availavel, then use either a high table or a high exercise bench and be sure to have a training partner and have him restrain your legs.
  • If you would like to have more resistance added to your exercise the hold a weight plate to your chest.


  1. These great back training exercises for working out your spinal erectors which your primary muscle worked out, buttock, and hamstrings. 
  2. Start off by standing in the middle of the hyperextension station.
  3. Face towards the direction of the large flat pad and the lean forward until your thighs are on the pad.
  4. With your legs fully extended, place both foot under the small pad. 
  5. When you are ready, at the waist lower your body until your body is perpendicular to the floor.
  6. After that lift your upper body back to its original position.
  7. When your body is at the top of the movement, be sure to arch your back to get the full benefits of the exercise.
  8. Repeat the process.
Bent Barbell Rows Tips
  • If you want variety, you can also use an underhand grip which gives your lower lats more of a workout.
  • This exercise can also be done using dumbbells as well as a low cabel pulley.

Bent Barbell Rows
Bent Over Rows
  1. These back training exercises is great because it works out your latissimus dorsi, trapezius, erector spinae, biceps, and the forearms. 
  2. Start off by bending over at the waist. Then tightly grip the barbells about shoulder width apart.
  3. Slightly bend your knees and then lift the bar with your arms fully extended straight.
  4. Arch your back with you upper body at a 45 degree angle. 
  5. Row the barbells to your stomach by just moving your arms.
  6. Be sure to hold this position and squeeze your back muscles to get the full benefit of each rep for maximum muscle growth.
  7. Without letting the barbell touching the ground, slowly lower the bar until your arms are fully extended.
  8. Keep all your tension on the muscles.
  9. Repeat the process.

1 Arm Dumbbell Row Tips
  • If you want variety, try doing the exercises with a reverse grips workout you back muscles from another angle.
  • When doing this exercise, be sure to use great technique with a proper form.

1 Arm Dumbbell Row

One Arm Dumbbell Rows
  1. These back training exercises works out your latissimus dorsi, trapezius, biceps, and the forearm muscles.
  2. With one knee and with your other foot placed on the floor right beside the bench, be sure to kneel on a flat exercise bench with just only one knee.
  3. Place your hand on the opposite end of the bench to help support your upper body and then grab a dumbbell.
  4. Keep your back flat and arched and let the dumbbell hang down until your arms are fully extended.
  5. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, then pull the the dumbbells in an upward direction until it touches your body.
  6. When doing so, be sure squeeze your back muscles tightly.
  7. Then lower the dumbbell back to its original position.
  8. Repeat the process as needed.
T-Bar Rows Tips
  • If you want variety, try doing the exercises with a reverse grips workout you back muscles from another angle.
  • When doing this exercise, be sure to use great technique with a proper form.

T-Bar Rows
T-Bar Rows
  1. These back training exercises works out your lats, spinal erectors, traps, rear deltoids, biceps, and forearms. 
  2. Start with your legs place on each individual side of the T-bar, the grab the handle with both of your hands.
  3. Bend your knees to take some stress off of your lower back.
  4. After doing so, be sure to place your body at a 45 degree angle.
  5. Let your arms hang down until fully extended.
  6. Use the strength from your arms and lets to pull the T-bar upwards to you stomach.
  7. Be sure to arch your back and squeeze your muscles.
  8. Then lower the T-bar back to its original position.
  9. Repeat the process.
Seated Pulley Rows Tips
  • If you want variety, try doing the exercises with a reverse grips workout you back muscles from another angle such as overhand and underhand grip.
  • When doing this exercise, be sure to use great technique with a proper form.

Seated Pulley Rows
Seated Cable Rows

  1. These back training exercises works out your latissimus dorsi, spinal erectors, trapezius, biceps, and forearms. 
  2. Make sure to attach a narrow handle to the low cable pulley.
  3. Grab the handle with both hands and sit in front of the machine.
  4. Firmly plant your feet with your knees slightly bent.
  5. Lean forward and straighten out your arms.
  6. Be sure to hold this stretched position for about a second  or so.
  7. Pull the handle towards your stomach until it touches your stomach and then sit up straight.
  8. While arching your back, squeeze your back muscles and the hold this position for about a second.
  9. Repeat the process.

Lat Pulldowns Tips
  • You can use variety's to your grip to workout your back from different angles such as wide grips, narrow grip, overhand, and underhand grip.
  • Be sure to use proper technique and form when doing this exercise.

Lat Pulldowns
Lat Pulldowns

  1. The lat pulldown back training exercises works out your lats, rear deltoids, biceps, and forearm muscles.
  2. Make sure to attach a straight bar to the high pulley.
  3. Be sure to grab the bar just a little bit wider then shoulder width.
  4. You can either sit down or kneel down in front of the pull down machine.
  5. Fully extend your arms to fully stretch out your lats.
  6. Hold this position for a second.
  7. Slightly arch your back to pull the bar down until the bar is slightly below your chin.
  8. Hold this position for a second for the full benefit from the exercise.
  9. Slowly straighten out your arms back to the original position.
  10. Repeat the process.

Chin-Ups Tips
  • You can use variety's to your grip to workout your back from different angles when doing your back exercises such as wide grips, narrow grip, overhand, and underhand grip.
  • Use a pair of lifting straps if you are having trouble doing this exercise.

Chin Ups
Chin Ups

  1. The lat pulldown back training exercise works out your lats, rear deltoids, biceps, and forearm muscles.
  2. Chin ups is considered an advanced workout because you have to lift your entire body weight. 
  3. Be sure to grab the chin bar just a little bit wider then shoulder width.
  4. Slightly bend your knees as your body is hanging from the chin up bar.
  5. Hold onto this position for about a second.
  6. Slightly arch your back and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.
  7. Hold onto this position for about a second.
  8. Slowly lower your body back to its original position.
  9. Repeat the process.

Pull Through Tips
  • When starting out, begin with light weights and then gradually increase in weights, so you don't put to much stress on the lower back.
  • Be sure to use proper technique and form when doing this exercise.

Pull Through

  1. These back training exercises works out your spinal erectors, buttocks, and hamstrings. 
  2. Use a low pulley cable and stand with your body facing away from the machine.
  3. Then in a medium stance, place the cable between your legs.
  4. Start by having the cable pull your arms right through your legs, then flex back to its original position.
  5. Squeeze your glutes as you rise and then repeat the process.
Back Extension Tips
  • When starting out, begin with light weights and then gradually increase in weights, so you don't put to much stress on the lower back.
  • Be sure to use proper technique and form when doing this exercise.

Back Extension Using The Stability Ball
Back Extensions

  1. These back training exercises works out your entire back area.
  2. Lie face down on a stability ball.
  3. Position your body, so that your body is balanced over the ball.
  4. Slowly fully extend your arms and legs so that your body is balanced on a ball.
  5. Hold onto this position for as long as you possibly can.
  6. This exercise requires a lot of balance and coordination, so it will take plenty of practice to master.
  7. Overtime a period of time you will have the ability to hold your balance on the ball for a much longer period of time.
  8. This is a exercise to do at the end of you program.

Chest Exercises

Click Graphic
to Enlarge
Straight Arm BB Pull-Over
  • Lie on a flat bench with your head near one end and your feet flat on floor.
  • Hold a barbell above your chest with your hands 24 inches apart.
  • Keep your arms straight and your elbows locked and inhale as you lower the barbell in a semicircle behind your head as far as possible without causing pain.
  • Exhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Remember to breathe very deeply to expand your chest as much as possible and to keep your head and hips on the bench.
Bent Arm BB Lateral
  • Grip the bar with your hands about 14 inches apart.
  • Keep your elbows in at all times and your arms bent as you push the barbell off your chest and lower it toward the floor.
  • At the point where the plates almost touch the floor, reverse the movement and pull the bar back to your chest along the same arc.
  • Make sure the bar stays as close to your head as possible.
  • Breathe heavily and don't lift your hips off the bench.
Decline DB Lateral
  • Lie on a decline bench and hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length above your shoulders with your palms facing each other.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells in a slight semicircle to the sides of your chest.
  • Retrace the movement, pressing the dumbbells up to the starting position
  • Breathe heavily and hold your chest high while concentrating on your pectorals.
Decline DB Deep Lateral
  • Lying on a decline bench, and hold dumbbells together at arms' length above shoulders, palms in.
  • Slowly lower dumbbells outward in semicircular motion until even with chest.
  • Return to starting position in a semicircular motion.
Parallel Bar Dips
  • Keep your elbows in at your sides and don’t let your body swing back and forth during the exercise.
High Pulley Chest Laterals
  • Lean forward while holding pulleys.
  • Push out in one steady movement.
Incline BB Bench Press
  • Use a grip that's about six inches wider than shoulder width.
  • Lower the bar under complete control until it almost touches your chest, pause momentarily, then press it back up to full arm's length.
  • Do not arch your back too sharply and don't raise your hips off the bench.
Incline DB Lateral
  • Lie on an include bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms forward at arm's length above your shoulders.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells in a slight semicircle to the sides of your chest.
  • At the bottom of the movement your elbows should be bent and pointing downward and your forearms should be almost vertical.
  • Retrace the movement and return to the starting position.
Chest Machine
  • Use a grip that's just slightly wider than your chest.
  • Keep your rib cage high and your head and hips on the bench at all times.
Medium Grip Bench Press
  • Lie on your back on a bench with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold a barbell over your chest with a grip that's about six inches wider than shoulder width.
  • Lower the bar to your chest and touch about one inch below your nipples.
  • Push the bar to arm's length.
  • Keep your elbows out and your chest high.
  • Lower the weight with complete control and pause at your chest.
  • Keep your head on the bench, and don't arch your back too sharply.
  • Don't raise your hips off the bench.
Pec Deck
  • Take a comfortable position on the pec deck.
  • With your forearms straight up and pressing firmly against the pads, bringing the pads together by contracting your pectorals.
  • Return to the starting position using a slow, controlled motion.
  • Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor.
  • Pause momentarily at the bottom of each rep.
  • You can make the exercise easier by supporting your lower body with your knees instead of your toes.
Straight Arm Dumbbell Pull-Over
  • Lie on a flat bench with your head extending over one end and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your hands flat against the inside plate of the dumbbell and hold it at arm's length above your chest.
  • Keep your elbows locked and lower the dumbbell behind your head in a semicircle as far as you can without causing pain.
  • Return the dumbbell to the starting position.
  • Breathe deeply and keen your head down and your chest high throughout the exercise to expand your rib cage as much as possible.
  • You can also do this exercise with a barbell.